Terms and Conditions

Art. 1 – General Provisions

  1. By browsing in this area, the user accesses EventoPeople, accessible through the URL: www.eventopeople.it. Browsing and transmitting a purchase order on the site imply the acceptance of the Conditions and the Data Protection Policies adopted by the site itself, as stated here.
  2. These General Sales Conditions apply to the sale of products exclusively for purchases made on the site in accordance with the provisions of Part III, Title III, Chapter I, of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 206/05 as amended by Legislative Decree No. 21/14 and Legislative Decree No. 70/03) by:EventoPeople Ltd. Headquarters: VIA RAVAGNESE SUPERIORE 187/B VAT number: 02807680802 Registered in the REA, number RC-191751
  3. Before accessing the products provided by the site, the user is required to read these General Sales Conditions, which are deemed to be unconditionally accepted upon purchase.
  4. Users are invited to download and print a copy of the purchase form and these General Sales Conditions, which EventoPeople reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice.
  5. The site can be used, and the products provided therein can be accessed and purchased in the following languages:Italian, English

Art. 2 – Subject

  1. These General Sales Conditions govern the offering, forwarding, and acceptance of purchase orders for products on EventoPeople and do not regulate the provision of services or the sale of products by parties other than the seller, which may be present on the same site through links, banners, or other hypertext connections.
  2. Before forwarding orders and purchasing products and services from other parties, we suggest verifying their sales conditions.

Art. 3 – Conclusion of the Contract

  1. To conclude the purchase contract, it will be necessary to fill out the form in electronic format and transmit it following the related instructions.
  2. It contains a reference to the General Sales Conditions, images of each product, and the corresponding price, the payment methods that can be used, the delivery methods for purchased products, and related shipping and delivery costs, a reference to the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal, and the terms and times for returning purchased products.
  3. Before concluding the contract, the user will be asked to confirm that they have read the General Sales Conditions, including the information regarding the right of withdrawal and data processing.
  4. The contract is concluded when the seller receives the completed form from the user, after verifying the accuracy of the data contained therein.
  5. The user will be obliged to pay the price from the moment the online order submission procedure is completed. This will happen by clicking the “Place Order” button at the end of the guided procedure.
  6. Once the contract is concluded, the seller will take charge of the order for processing.

Art. 4 – Registered Users

  1. When completing the registration procedures, the user agrees to follow the instructions on the site and provide their personal data correctly and truthfully.
  2. Once the registration is completed, the user will receive a confirmation email at the address they provided. The confirmation must be communicated at most within 48 hours. After this period, if confirmation is not received, EventoPeople will be released from any commitment to the user.
  3. The confirmation will release EventoPeople from any liability regarding the data provided by the user. The user agrees to promptly inform EventoPeople of any changes to their data at any time.
  4. If the user provides inaccurate or incomplete data or if there is a dispute by interested parties regarding payments made, EventoPeople will have the right not to activate or suspend the service until the deficiencies are remedied.
  5. Upon the first request for profile activation by the user, EventoPeople will assign the user a username and a password. The user acknowledges that these credentials constitute the system for validating the user’s access to the Services and the only system capable of identifying the user, and that the actions taken through such access will be attributed to the user and will be binding on them.
  6. The user agrees to keep their access credentials confidential and to protect them with due care and diligence, not to temporarily transfer them to third parties.

Art. 5 – Product Availability

  1. Product availability refers to actual availability at the time the user places the order. However, this availability must be considered purely indicative because, due to the simultaneous presence of multiple users on the site, products may be sold to other customers before the order is confirmed.
  2. Even after sending the order confirmation email, partial or total unavailability of goods may occur. In this case, the order will be automatically adjusted by removing the unavailable product, and the user will be immediately informed by email.

Art. 6 – Products Offered

  1. EventoPeople markets:Packages for Participation in Events Organized by EventoPeople Ltd.
  2. The offer is detailed on our website at the link: http://localhost/bkup-old-eventopeople/index.php/shopeventopeople/

Art. 7 – Payment Methods and Prices

  1. The price of products will be the one indicated on the site from time to time, except where there is an obvious error.
  2. In the event of an error, EventoPeople will notify the buyer as soon as possible, allowing the confirmation of the order at the correct amount or the cancellation. In any case, EventoPeople will not be obliged to supply what was sold at the lower price mistakenly indicated.
  3. The prices on the site include VAT and include shipping costs. Prices may change at any time. However, changes do not affect orders for which an order confirmation has already been sent.
  4. Once the desired products are selected, they will be added to the cart. Simply follow the instructions for the purchase, entering or verifying the requested information at each step of the process. Order details can be modified before payment.
  5. Payment can be made via:Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Transfer

Art. 8 – Warranty and Commercial Compliance

  1. The seller is responsible for any defects in the products offered on the site, including non-conformity with the products ordered, under Italian law.
  2. If the buyer has entered into the contract as a consumer, i.e., any natural person acting on the site for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity, this warranty is valid provided that the defect is reported within 24 months of delivery of the products; the buyer formally submits a complaint regarding the defects within a maximum of 2 months from the date the defect was recognized; the return form is correctly completed online.
  3. In case of non-compliance, the user who entered into the contract as a consumer will have the right to have the product’s conformity restored at no cost, through repair or replacement, or to obtain an appropriate price reduction or terminate the contract with a refund of the price.
  4. All return costs for defective products will be borne by the seller.

Art. 9 – Withdrawal

As provided by the Civil Code, in the event of cancellation by the client for any reason and at any time, the deposit will not be refunded.

Art. 10 – Data Processing

  1. By using the site, the user authorizes the processing of their personal data. This privacy policy is also valid for the purposes of Article 13 of the EU Regulation No. 2016/679, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
  2. The data controller is EventoPeople Ltd.
  3. The data processor, appointed by the data controller, is Vincenzo D’amato.
  4. Data will be processed at Via Ravagnese Superiore 187, 89931 Reggio Calabria.
  5. Data processing is carried out exclusively electronically, through IT tools and supports that ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The stored information is protected from unauthorized access.
  6. The data provided by users regarding purchase orders, payments (which may contain name, address, contact details), IP address, and any other data provided will be processed.
  7. The purpose of using such data is to fulfill purchase orders and payments, communicate data to third-party service providers for payments and shipping, and provide information regarding site activities and services, as well as commercial offers from affiliated companies and business partners.
  8. The provision of data and consent to its processing for the purposes of the contract or the fulfillment of the order and related payment is necessary for the conclusion and execution of the contract; therefore, refusal to provide such data or consent to processing will result in the impossibility for the user to purchase the products and services offered.
  9. Providing data and consenting to its processing for commercial communication purposes is optional. However, refusing to provide such data or consenting to processing may prevent the user from receiving such additional services.
  10. The user always has the right to ensure that their data is updated, corrected, or integrated, to request its deletion, anonymization, or blocking if processed unlawfully, including data that is not required to be retained in relation to the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed, and to ensure that the operations are made known, including their content, to those to whom the data has been communicated or disclosed, except where this fulfillment proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate use of means compared to the right protected.
  11. The user has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection, and to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
  12. The user may also revoke consent to the processing of their data at any time previously given to EventoPeople.
  13. All rights provided for by EU Regulation 2016/679 can be exercised by the user by writing to the following email address: info@eventopeople.it
  14. On the first visit, the user will be invited to choose their language and will be offered the option to save their preferred language. To this end, the user authorizes the use of so-called cookies, i.e., small files sent from their internet server and recordable on the user’s computer hard drive.
  15. The hard drive collects information about the user’s language preference and stores the pages of the site visited. Cookies are used to prevent the user from receiving the same information repeatedly or in the wrong language, and to adapt the site’s content and presentation to the user’s browser type.

Art. 13 – Safeguard Clause

  1. In the event that one of the clauses of these General Sales Conditions is null for any reason, this will not affect in any way the validity and compliance of the other provisions contained in these General Sales Conditions.

Art. 14 – Contacts

  1. Any request for information can be sent via email to the following address: info@eventopeople.it

Art. 15 – Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

  1. These General Sales Conditions are governed by Italian law and interpreted according to it, without prejudice to any prevailing mandatory rule of the buyer’s country of habitual residence. Consequently, the interpretation, execution, and termination of the General Sales Conditions are subject exclusively to Italian law.
  2. Any disputes arising and/or related to them must be resolved exclusively by the Italian judicial authority. Specifically, if the user qualifies as a Consumer, any disputes must be resolved by the court of the user’s domicile or residence according to applicable law.

These conditions were drawn up on 08/11/2021.